TRYSOR RFID Supply Chain Solution

TRYSOR RFID Supply Chain Solution

Accuracy of Count

From Vendor to Store, there are many occasions when the item count contains errors. These errors can result in costly penalties to the shipping agent. Inaccurate stock counts are the key reason that lead to Out Of Stock (OOS) and the need for increased levels of “Safety Stocks” in the Supply Chain.

When using a legacy barcode system to manage stock counts, it is not possible to track individual items unless each label is lined up and scanned. However, when using the unique SGTIN’s on an RFID chip, it is possible to track, trace and count; down to the item level.

Stock Queries

A key benefit of TRYSOR is the ability to run stock queries by item level. Knowing which items are in which locationis now possible with TRYSOR. And as the “Item Count” has already been verified as accurate, it’s easy to feel confident that the data is correct.

Seek & Find

A useful tool for when a customer requests a stock item that may be in the back of store.

 Set TRYSOR to the “Seek & Find” App. The operator then uses the RFID Handheld reader just like a Geiger Counter. The reader will beep louder as the operator gets closer to the item. TRYSOR shows a screen to “Stop Scanning” when the item is within the user’s range.

Cycle Counts

Stocktaking or “Cycle Counts” can sometimes take days, when having to scan barcode labels. Using TRYSOR and RFID labels, the operator simply has to wave the RFID scanner across the items. TRYSOR picks up the radio waves and reads all item SGTINS in a matter of minutes.

Shelf Replenishment

When using TRYSOR, an operator can run a quick scan of the items on-shelf. At this point, TRYSOR will compare the items on-shelf to a store Planogram or Merchandise plan. When items are missing TRYSOR will display an alert and identify the items that need to be replenished; by color, size and count. With TRYSOR, you may never miss another sale because the stock is not out on-shelf.

RFID/EAS Loss Prevention

BSN’s latest RFID tags come with a greater degree of sensitivity and have special encoding functions that turn using RFID labels in place of EAS tags from a good idea into a reality.

Expand  the RFID RIO when using TRYSOR in place of EAS security tags. If an item has not been purchased, the exit readers will sense the RFID label trigger the security alarm. BSN has conducted extensive testing on its RFID Loss Prevention solution and is proving that RFID can trigger alarms at the store’s exit gates in greater than 99% of cases. Even when there is a lot of activity in the vicinity of the Gates.

Why continue to spend on EAS, when BSN RFID tags do the same job?

Employing BSN labels to trigger the store anti-theft security gates results iin an even greater ROI from a TRYSOR system. Thanks to this improved ROI, users may now consider tagging a greater number of product categories.


All BSN RFID STGN’s can now be encrypted. Making it almost  impossible for the labels to be copied. By reading this code with the TRYSOR anti-counterfeit application, it is now possible to check the product database and verify where and when the tag was encoded. The suspect product will generate a visible RED alarm on a Smartphone or RFID handheld reader.

“Some of our retail clients are already using RFID. TRYSOR RFID solutions improves process efficiency like stocktake (cycle count), reduce store closure time and reduce operational costs. With RFID you can reduce the labour time of stocktake assigned to your valuable customer service staff, who would otherwise have to scan every single barcode individually, taking many hours to complete.”

BSN Innovations in Packaging | RFID
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